New pavilion to host your precious events!

New pavilion to host your precious events!

  • Posted by admin
  • 16/07/2019
Thesaurus Wines has opened a newly built pavilion just a few feet away from to the wineyard, giving the opportunity to host memorable events in a marvelous set-up. The new establishment could host up to 120 pers. indoor, and has a direct opening to the winery, the outside deck with marvelous view from the hill. […]
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Vinurile Thesaurus selectate in ghidul Gault&Millau!

  • Posted by admin
  • 10/12/2018
Gault&Millau for Romanian wines was released and we are happy to announce that two of our wines, Sauvignon Blanc Single Vineyard 2017 and Pinot Noir Amadoc 2016 were selected in this prestigious book.
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Wine & Grapes Tasting – Party in Vie!

  • Posted by admin
  • 16/08/2018
Pe-un picior de plai Pe-o gura de rai Langa un bob de strugure In vie, la petrecere!   Hai in vie! Hai sa te bucuri de roadele ei, atat in farfurie cat si in pahar. Vom avea mancare traditionala banateana de la maestrii culinari de la Casa Bunicii, muzica maistra pusa de DJ George Allen, […]
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Come and have an amazing time in the vineyard!

  • Posted by admin
  • 10/08/2018
We are so happy and we feel a great reward when we see our guests having the best time. And we promise that aside great wine, we will provide you with amazing landscape, panoramic view, delicious food and a relaxing atmosphere. Thesaurus Wines is the perfect place for private and corporate events, all tailored to […]
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O recunoastere a muncii depuse de catre echipa Thesaurus – initiativa Vinarium

  • Posted by admin
  • 10/08/2018
Ne bucuram ca doua dintre vinurile noastre reprezentative, Pinot Noir 2016 si Reserve 2015, au fost selectate in lista de 100 vinuri pentru Centenar. Mai multe informatii despre aceasta initiativa laudabila, precum si lista celor 100 vinuri selectionate, puteti gasi in link-ul de mai jos. Link:  
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Noi surprize placute in curand!

  • Posted by admin
  • 09/03/2017
Avem placerea sa va anuntam ca in luna martie vom lansa noile vinuri albe si rose, corespunzatoare recoltei din 2016. De asemenea pregatim cu grija o mare si, speram, placuta surpriza in partea a doua a anului in ceea ce priveste vinurile rosii! Dar va vom tine la curent. Va dorim o primavara minunata si […]
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Tururi si degustari in Crama! Trăiește experiența și pasiunea Thesaurus Wines direct în crama noastră!

  • Posted by admin
  • 26/09/2016
Începând din această lună, am inițiat o serie de tururi și degustări la crama Thesaurus Wines, din Dealurile Silagiului. Thesaurus Wines este un loc special pe harta turismului viticol din România, ideal pentru grupuri de prieteni sau companii ( evenimente speciale, teambuilding). Detalii și rezervări la 0725 964 334, Paul Huiet sau Vezi galeria […]
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Echipa Thesaurus – David Lockley

  • Posted by admin
  • 24/06/2016
Dear wine lovers, In the following months we intend to bring in front of you the key people in making this adventure possible. So, we start with an ice-breaking interview realized with our wine maker, David. David is originally from South Africa and has joined our team in 2014. David is working closely with Paul, […]
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