The transformation of the grapes in wine is a process that seems to be a spiritual journey. The phenomenon involves initial stages for the grapes that are to become something else by renewing themselves.
The wine maker leads the raw material to perfection and he captures its essence into the bottle. Both of them come out from this process both materially and spiritually changed . All the efforts focus on showing the blessing of nature. Vineyard treasure is not just a material one, but most of all it is a spiritual treasure: The transformation occurs in both raw material and the one who works to it. In order to produce Thesaurus wines, we use only grapes from Silagiu hills. In this way, we can keep the wine character and homogeneity, because we know our grapes, from the spring until they are harvested.
The grapes are harvested by hand when Thesaurus specialists find the best time for the harvest. This time shall be established after the daily checking of the grapes (taste, climatic conditions, tactile sense of the grapes texture when they are broken). After the harvest, the grapes reach to the winery. Here, the temperature is controlled in order to ensure the best possible conditions for processing. After passing the stages of selection, where the leaves, the rotten fruits and other impurities are thrown, the grapes are transferred to tanks, then the process of fermentation and maceration begins. Firstly, a cold maceration is made in order to intensify the primary flavours of the grapes.